Quote of the Week

I will be sharing a quote that is a fav of mine and may give insight into what things I am going through, feeling, thinking about, etc...
April 3, 2011-"Anything you cannot relinquish, when it has outlived its
usefulness, possesses you; and in this materialistic age, a great many of us
are possessed by our possessions."
Mildred LaSette Norman

Monday, September 22, 2008

Another Monday

Well, it's a little cloudy and a little rainy and there are guys jackhammering outside my front door, I have been to the gym and still feel like a slug...

Church was great yesterday. No particular reason, just nice to feel the spirit in Sacrament and then read about the Beatitudes in 3rd Nephi, and then sing primary songs. Then got to take a 2 hour nap (thanks honey!) and enjoy dinner and scones after.

I have some serious paperwork to sort and file system to create, plus laundry to do. And of course I am only wanting to avoid it. I'm 1/2 way to 37 and losing weight is definitely not working as quickly as it has in the past. I have to admit to feeling a bit disheartened and discouraged with a lot of things in life, but I WILL PERSEVERE!!

We had fun at a family gathering on Saturday in honor of my bro's, mom's, and uncle's birthdays this month. Curtis made a repeat of Greek fest from Memorial day and we had three kinds of dessert -- it was great to hang and visit at R&T's, laughing and eating -- I LOVE BIRTHDAYS!!!

Well, life is calling, gotta get the laundry started while Brynna is enthralled with Scooby-Doo...


1 comment:

Sonya said...

Oh to be able to stay home and do laundry and spend the day with your children....it's my dream, someday...enjoy it while it lasts! Love ya!