Quote of the Week

I will be sharing a quote that is a fav of mine and may give insight into what things I am going through, feeling, thinking about, etc...
April 3, 2011-"Anything you cannot relinquish, when it has outlived its
usefulness, possesses you; and in this materialistic age, a great many of us
are possessed by our possessions."
Mildred LaSette Norman

Monday, January 28, 2008

Slow Start

Well -- it's Monday again! I am excited for a new week to start. The morning started off slow, I am trying to get more sleep at night but I have yet to master ignoring my Brynna's cries -- the time is short when she will call for me and I am her comfort, so I accomodate it. Plus, I'm too tired to fight it at 2 am!

Got back to the gym and speed-walked and jogged for 45 minutes. I make sure I get at least 3 miles. I try to keep my pace between 3.8 and 5.8, but I was also trying to read the captions for the State of the Union tonight, so I walked more than usual. My bro, John, has started joining me in Power Yoga twice a week. It makes me more committed than ever! SPLITS BY 36!!

Little storm blew in, nothing like what they predicted -- I love a good storm! As long as it's not in the spring! But it sure was WINDY!! Poor Napoleon could hardly stand going outside to do his business!! Lots to do this week, so I'm signing off!

Until Monday comes again --

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Monday, Monday

Well, it's actually Tuesday, but who's checking? Well after 19 days of awful sickies, grossness, and all around BLAHS!, the Fry gang seems to be back on track. Big thanks to Terri, John, Sonya, Becky, Jacqui, and Melissa for being there when I needed you!

We had another big snowstorm yesterday for the holiday and I actually got out and shoveled snow! I also cleaned and tidied and then we went out to dinner as a family to Macaroni Grill. Curtis had received a gift card, so we splurged a little -- food great, but a TAD overpriced! He'll be gone for the next 4 days, so it was a nice way to spend time as a family before I'm feeding mac and cheese, sandwiches, hot dogs and tacos exclusively.

We also learned that Napoleon has successfully begun to earn his keep. Our stud efforts have resulted in 4 female pups being born to Daisy Girl, a cute little blck and white Shih-Tzu we mated with in November. We will see them in a few weeks, and plan on choosing pick of the litter to sell on our own.

Lastly -- I wanted to take a moment and remember Martin Luther King, Jr. I have deep respect for the man, for his family, and for the path he chose. He's definitely on my list of people I want to meet in Heaven. In spite of any weaknesses that his critics try to use to discredit him, the man was an example of sacrifice, intelligence, and peace. Thank you Dr. King for your life and commitment to make the world a better place.

Until next week --

Monday, January 14, 2008

Yuck Day - Part II

Well -- fortunately, Brynna is doing much better after starting a round of antibiotics for a double-ear infection. Unfortunately, Heather has gotten worse, not better. Fortunatley, Curtis hasn't been hit too hard with the sickies. Unfortunately, Curtis is gone in Las Vegas for 3 1/2 days, leaving me alone with my SICKIES to take care of the kids, dog, house, etc... Fortunately, I can hang out in my jammies until whenever if I really want to; unfortunately, I feel like a total slob if I stay in my jammies, and all I want to do is stay in bed. Fortunately, Hannah was home today because she felt sick, and she helped me with Brynna; unfortunately, she was home today to bicker with Emma and missed school. Fortunately, tomorrow is another day, and we will hope for a good night's rest, and healthy kids tomorrow. May all your Mondays be Fun-days!!

Here's hoping Aunt Terri's meds start kicking in!!


(The preceding account is an homage to a favorite children's book "Fortunately" -- highly recommended!)

Monday, January 7, 2008

Yuck Day

Sorry -- I know it's Mon-day, but for me it was No-Fun-Day. Brynna cried and was cranky until about noon -- she was up at 7am. I finally was able to sneak some Tylenol into some soda and it kicked in around 1pm. Then she improved. We all are a little under the weather, from coughs, to sore throats, to stuffy noses and Brynna's green boogers that she loves to wipe across her cheek and then follow me around the house with them on her finger until I can clean them off -- YEAH!! It's good to be home, but after Christmas clean up is taking a little bit longer -- (refer to situation above.)

My count down has begun for Spring -- although I do love winter for the snow and quiet stillness that I imagine my life could be if I lived in a Robert Frost poem or Thomas Kinkade painting. I get a little tickled when I think of my bulbs emerging and all the plants I want to get in the ground. But, I truly do enjoy the winter, I sometimes wish we got the kind of snow that they are getting in Colorado, but you are where you are.

I am now the Primary Teacher for the Valiant 11 -- and there are 3 kids in my class, but we're off to a good start I think. It's all about treats and bribery -- Right?

I should have some pictures up by next week . . .

Until then,I leave with this thought -- "We are all manufacturers -- Some make good, others make trouble, and still others make excuses."


Friday, January 4, 2008

Great Flick

Hey All -- Back yesterday from 13 great sunny days in So. Cal.!!! The kids and I stayed overnight in Mesquite (thank you Curtis!) and we made it home in one piece, but I'm having latent backaches and armaches, probably from trying to restrain myself from trying to control and help them during the drive. Cameron and Hannh worked hard to be great Wingmen, and Emma was a HUGE help making sure I knew how far away we were from the city coming up next! It makes me think more road trips are in the future --- if only gas wasn't so FREAKISHLY, OUTLANDISHLY, priced OUT OF CONTROL!!
I've been cleaning up Christmas, and Curtis has been stuck in meetings from 6:30am-10pm for the last two days, so we went out on a date -- Sizzler and a movie. Sizzler -- EEGGHH -- not much to say about that. Movie -- Dan in Real Life -- YEEHAAH! It is a winner!! We are big fans of Steve Carrell's from "The Office" and we are so glad that this movie turned out so good! It's so nice to see him not as Michael Scott -- 5/5 Stars!
One other recommendation -- The Flying Scotsman. It is a small, independent film (true story) about a Scottish cyclist who battles personal demons to set new world records and also created new innovations in the construction of racing cycles. Sorry to say, it is PG-13 for a pivotal confrontation scene where the F-word is used twice. So, I hope you don't think I'm lame for recommending it -- but I really liked it! 4/5 Stars