Quote of the Week

I will be sharing a quote that is a fav of mine and may give insight into what things I am going through, feeling, thinking about, etc...
April 3, 2011-"Anything you cannot relinquish, when it has outlived its
usefulness, possesses you; and in this materialistic age, a great many of us
are possessed by our possessions."
Mildred LaSette Norman

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Birthdays and Hives

Well, Curtis' cough is finally better. He turned "36" on February 23rd and spent his day fishing. I recruited help from some family and friends and started decorating and constructing closet organizers for his office as a surprise. It's still a bit of a mess but, it will look great! A real MAN-CAVE!! We went out for dinner to a Thai restaurant on Friday night, and by Saturday, he had an allergic reacton to who-knows what -- Hives! Swollen eye, hands, splotches, mild fever, and general discomfort -- what a way to commemorate a birthday! He is looking much better today -- he can finally get his ring loose again. It had been stuck on his swollen fingers, it was CRAZY!!

Curtis's brother Lance is here for a visit. He's looking to relocate after an extended hang-out session at his parents in Ontario, OR. He is a super-talented artist and is hoping to get back into the grind of adulthood, finding a job, and maybe getting a girl!! We're all glad to help him out -- that's what family is for!

I am gearing up for Emma's birthday next, then mine. It's nice to have the birthdays is a chunk -- the Feb/Mar, and then June/July.

I have posted a new site that I hope you all will check out. I have been a fan of Ben Stein for awhile, and saw that he has a movie coming out! You have got to check out the super trailer! What is it that we can do -- what difference will it really make? I am telling you right now -- "The only thing for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." This is a crazy time with technology, opinion, truth, ignorance, politics, and daily living to deal with. But it is a true gift to have access to information and our right to ask questions. Find a way to make your voice heard. Study out the issues that concern you and don't allow the "Liberal fascism" movement take hold. (You can google that term.)

Soap Box? Yes, a little. There are a lot of things that sound good, but one thing to remember is that only you have the power to make your life what you want. You just have to know WHAT YOU REALLY WANT! Just keep asking questions until you get answers that resonate within you.

I'll close with a joke I heard once concerning creation --

After thousands of years, scientists were thrilled that they had finally figured out how to create man from the dust. By doing so, they were convinced that God was no longer necessary. They presented their "man" to God and expressed their sense of accomplishment. God replied, "Get your own dust."

There are so many better ways to spend the time than trying to prove whether or not God exists, and whether or not He is relevant. I concur with the sentiment of CS Lewis, "I know God exists, in the way that I know the sun exists. Not because I can see it, but because by it, I can see everything else." (paraphrased quote)

I know that each day I can try a little harder to do a little better in my life -- I hope the same for you.


Monday, February 18, 2008

Real Quick

This will be short and sweet.

We are all doing so much better! I am sad that the snow has been melting so much because I can see the yucky mud, but then my mom reminded me my bulbs should be coming out in the next 4 weeks -- YEAH!!

We've implemented a chore chart -- I was getting a little tired of being tired of things: reminding the kids of their chores, responsibilities, importance of teamwork and family togetherness, consideration and appreciation, yada,yada,yada. Things are off to a good start (minus Hannah's fits and freak-outs, but I take those in stride now).

Curtis is still hacking with a persistant cough that he can't seem to shake -- I want to give him a mask, but that might be a little insensitive -- Thoughts?

Trying to plan a get-away for our 14th anniversary in April. Still in the works...

Filing -- UGH!! Need I say more?!

Toys -- UGH!! Need I say more?!

Books, math, Disney movies are all my life -- only one is a true joy -- can you guess?


C U L8R --

Monday, February 11, 2008


I finally got to go skiing on Saturday, and Cameron took his first lesson EVER!! He did great, got a little beat up, but it was a BEE-YOU-TI-FULL DAY!! Sundance is sooooo overpriced, but Cameron had a 6th Grade SkiUtah Passport that lets him ski free with a paying adult to all Utah Resorts -- sorry Curtis, I just have to go!!

What a great hubby I have, to stay with our daughters while I go off and play in the snow!!

My sis, Sonya, came along and we had a great time!! What a rush -- plus, I didn't crash once!! She's still got it, even after more than 5 years!! Oh YEAH!!

Got a great compliment from a dad of one of my Primary kids -- "So, are you trying to be teacher of the year?' 'What do you mean? (I ask)' 'Well, Maddie talks about you all the time, and just thinks you're great!" Maddie is one of the three kids I have the privilege of sharing the gospel with in our Sunday School every week. The only girl, amongst two rowdy (but sweet-hearted boys). I highly recommend to all that we make sure to express gratitude to those who serve in the small, common ways, because we never hear it enough! So I am grateful for my siblings and their laughter and understanding and acceptance. I am grateful for my children who help me to remember to not take life too seriously. I am grateful to my husband who always tries. I am grateful to the anonymous strangers I meet who are open, and ready to smile or laugh with me. I am grateful to those who let me work in their yards and plant flowers for them. I am grateful to friends whom I don't see often, but through the memories that we've shared, keep me in touch with the authentic parts of my self. I am grateful to my parents and their sacrifices for me and how they taught me how to enjoy work. I am grateful to the friends who let me be me, and let me serve them. I am GRATEFUL, GRATEFUL, GRATEFUL to all those who help me with my children, my life, my sanity, and bless me and my family in countless ways!!
I am grateful to God in all His goodness and glory, wisdom and joy, and bounteous blessings! I am grateful that I know who I am, where I came from and where I am going, and what IT'S ALL FOR!

I am grateful for indoor plumbing and CHOCOLATE!!, disposible diapers, and washing machines!! Marie Callendar's pies and fresh guacamole with chips! I am grateful for authors and composers, inventors and explorers, and people who are committed to making each day a little better in their own corner of the world! Keep on truckin'! It's ALL worth it!

It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood, I actualy spent some time in my garage tidying. I must admit, I am not looking forward to the brown interim before Spring returns. Is there a way to keep the brown ground covered until its resdy to burst green again? Did I say I was grateful for Michael Buble -- well, I AM!! Also, Sting, Barry Manilow, Luciano Pavarotti, Celine Dion, Walt Disney, Faith Hill, Barbra Streisand (performance, not politics), Queen Latifah, and so many more that bless the soundtrack of my life!!

Well, I have gone on a little long tonight -- but can you ever be too grateful?

I challenge anyone who reads this to start listing what you are grateful for -- I DARE YOU to feel bummed out!!

I leave a thought that reminds me to be a little more humble when I feel I am stumbling through my life --

"It is hard to stumble when you are already on your knees."

Remember that it ALL comes from somewhere -- so why not be grateful?!


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Already Behind

No, this is not a reference to anatomy -- but the start I have gotten in my week. Monday was meeting with Emma's teacher who informed me of what I already knew (but love hearing from others!) -- She is smart, funny, kind, clever, quick to help (OK, that's a surprise) and an all-around joy to have in class! I am a lucky mom to have such great kids!

Yeah Giants!! It's great to see the underdog pull out a last quarter victory! Tom Brady is just too much for his own good -- Petty, I know, but you can't be that good-looking, with a super-model girlfriend and a new dad with no commitment to the mother (props to Bridget Moynahan), yada, yada, yada -- in any game there is always a winner and a loser -- Yeah, Giants!

Check out YouTube for Curtis' new stop-motion fly tying How-to. It's gotten nearly 2,000 hits since Sunday:


Should see my grand-puppies this week -- All girls! Okay, I'm not a grandma, but we will look at Napoleon's first litter -- first try, big success!! More teacher meetings this week. More organizing and cleaning. More stretching, running, reading, and relaxing! So glad to be feeling better! So glad to have lots of beautiful snow outside -- LIFE IS GOOD!!

Good Luck with your week and until next Monday -- Live Long and Prosper!!
