Quote of the Week

I will be sharing a quote that is a fav of mine and may give insight into what things I am going through, feeling, thinking about, etc...
April 3, 2011-"Anything you cannot relinquish, when it has outlived its
usefulness, possesses you; and in this materialistic age, a great many of us
are possessed by our possessions."
Mildred LaSette Norman

Monday, January 14, 2008

Yuck Day - Part II

Well -- fortunately, Brynna is doing much better after starting a round of antibiotics for a double-ear infection. Unfortunately, Heather has gotten worse, not better. Fortunatley, Curtis hasn't been hit too hard with the sickies. Unfortunately, Curtis is gone in Las Vegas for 3 1/2 days, leaving me alone with my SICKIES to take care of the kids, dog, house, etc... Fortunately, I can hang out in my jammies until whenever if I really want to; unfortunately, I feel like a total slob if I stay in my jammies, and all I want to do is stay in bed. Fortunately, Hannah was home today because she felt sick, and she helped me with Brynna; unfortunately, she was home today to bicker with Emma and missed school. Fortunately, tomorrow is another day, and we will hope for a good night's rest, and healthy kids tomorrow. May all your Mondays be Fun-days!!

Here's hoping Aunt Terri's meds start kicking in!!


(The preceding account is an homage to a favorite children's book "Fortunately" -- highly recommended!)


shari berry bo-berry said...

Love it! I still need to get a copy of that book...

HOpe you guys feel better soon!

Tall Fry said...

Author: Remy Charlip